
Full name: Alina Viktorovna Bondarchuk

Date of birth: 26.12.1977

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk, LNAU street, 25, sq.23.

Passport of a citizen of rf: 6023,#193195

INN: 612509069690


– Head of the Department of Economic, Legal and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines at the Luhansk Academy of Internal Affairs named after E. A. Didorenko;

– candidate for the People’s Council of LnR from the political party “Fair Russia-Patriots for Truth“;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation regime


A policewoman “in the service of the Russian occupiers” – born in the city of Lugansk. Graduated in 2000. She graduated from Lugansk National Agrarian University with a degree in Accounting and Audit, in 2004 she defended her Candidate’s thesis at LNAU, in 2019 she defended her Doctoral thesis at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Service under the Head of the Dnr” (Donetsk, “Dnr”). Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Major of Police.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

With the arrival of the occupation authorities, the traitor Bondarchuk switched to the side of the Russian occupants. The woman agreed to work in the law enforcement structures of the “lnr”. She held a position at the terrorist organization of the so-called “Ministry of State Security“.

Then, the collaborator became the head of the chair of economic-legal and social-humanitarian disciplines in the Luhansk Academy of Internal Affairs named after E. A. Didorenko.

Also, by the decree of the so-called “head of the LNR” from November 6, 2020 №1547, Bondarchuk, a collaborator of the Rashists, was awarded the medal “for loyalty to duty“.

Recently, the name of a state treasonist appeared on the lists of the regional branch of theJust Russia – Patriots for Truthparty, which nominated candidates for the September pseudo-election of deputies to thePeople’s Council of LnR.

For violation of the oath and “service” for the occupiers, the police-traitor Bondarchuk Alina Viktorovna awaits inevitable and severe punishment, which will come for the accomplices of Rashism very soon.