Full Name: Alla Viktorovna Barkhatnova

Date of birth: 25.09.1973

Address: Donetsk region, Druzhkovka, Solidarnosti street 57, sq. 118.

Phone: +380667087168, +79102604102, +79777638049

Daughter: Anna Gorinova

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Betrayer Barkhatnova Alla Viktorovna was born on September 25, 1973 in the village of Kalinino, Orel region, USSR.


Graduated from school in Druzhkovka, Donetsk region, member of the Komsomol. Graduated from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology Automation in Lobnya, Moscow Region, specializing in Economics and Planning in the National Economy. After graduating from the institute, she was engaged in entrepreneurial activity. In 2000-2006, Chief Accountant at Zarechny LLC and Kompol LLC in Druzhkovka. From 2006-2010, Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs of PKP Kompol LLC, since 2010 Director of Technics for Laniv LLC. From 2010 to 2014, a private entrepreneur in the sale of agricultural machinery. Afterwards, she worked as chief accountant at Perspektiva LLC and commercial director at Slavyanskiye Vegetables LLC.


In 2022 she was appointed head of the “Department of Labor and Social Policy of Kherson region” by the occupying Russian authorities. Deputy of the People’s Council of the 1st Convocation of the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic”. Permanently resides in Moscow. Employee of Pavel Gubarev’s “Novorossiya Community”.

September 16, 2022 near the building of the Kherson Court of Appeals where The administration of the Kherson region and the occupation government were housed. Happened explosion. The strike occurred when the occupiers were holding a meeting of leaders “administrations of city and municipal districts”. The explosion caused the head of the “labor department” of the occupation administration Alla Barkhatnova, but her driver, according to RIA Novosti, was killed. She became a collaborator with the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the Donbass. Barkhatnova helped organize the “referendum” in Druzhkivka, and then worked in the so-called “Ministry of Labor and Social Policy”. dnr.” In early August, she found herself in the occupied Kherson region.

Such activities can be viewed as an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Ukraine, siding with the enemy under martial law and during armed conflict, cooperation with pro-Russian terrorist organizations, and similar actions.

After reviewing all of these facts, we can conclude that this is yet another collaborator, collaborator of Russian war criminals and occupants, involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people and an accomplice in the crimes of the Russian government against the state of Ukraine.