Name: Bondarenko Alla Sergeevna

Date of birth: December 18, 1967

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, village of Terny.

TIN: 2482310186


  • former businessman of Ternow County.

Collaborationist activities:

Alla Sergeevna Bondarenko, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, was born on December 18, 1967, in the village of Terny in the Donetsk region.

The Ukrainian-Russian war unleashed the entire essence of the traitor Alla Bondarenko, who in the past worked as a businessman in the Ternovsky district. With the arrival of the invaders began to work for them.

Now, thanks to her cooperation with the invaders, the collaborator has become the head of the administration of the occupied village of Terny.

Thus Alla betrayed Ukraine. During the de-occupation, Bondarenko will have to answer for the crimes committed against Ukraine.