
Full name: Alla Yurievna Filenko

Date of birth: 11.07.1983

Address: Ukraine,Kostogryzovo village Kakhovsky district of Kherson region

TIN: 910619183400 (Crimea)


– Director of the Kostogryzovsky Lyceum;

– supporter of theUnited Russiaparty;

– Traitor to the Motherland, collaborator



Alla Yurievna Filenko, a teacher with a long pedagogical experience who betrayed her country, was born in the village of Kostogryzovka, Kakhovka district, Kherson region. He has a higher education. Graduated from Kherson State University.

The teacher, who dedicated her entire career to her native country, turned out to be a despicable traitor and collaborator of the Russian occupation authorities.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Now the traitor has taken the position of director of the Kostogryzovsky Lyceum. The woman conducts propaganda activities among the teachers of the school staff and forces the implementation of Russia’s “conversations about important things” project to convey information on social and political issues to students.

Also, the traitor of Ukraine voluntarily collaborated with the occupants, and during the preparation and holding of the so-called “referendum” in the Kherson region was an active participant in the illegal event. He promotes the “Russian world” and agitates for a Russian passport. Participates in the organization and conduct of events in favor of the aggressor country with the involvement of minors.

Alla Filenko is an abettor of Putin’s regime in Ukraine, as well as an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian occupiers against Ukraine and its citizens, for which she will certainly have to answer.