
Full name: Yaroshenko Anastasia

Date of birth: 11.12.2001

Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Melitopol


– a member of youth organizations under the occupation authorities of Zaporizhzhia region;

– A collaborator of the occupying power, a collaborator


Anastasia Yaroshenko – a traitor to Ukraine and a follower of the ideology of the “Russian world” was born in the city of Melitopol, Zaporozhye region. She studied at one of the local colleges and at the same time took an active part in the social life of the city, was a member of the city youth organizations, as well as social movements.

After full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022, the girl voluntarily changed her pro-Ukrainian position and defected to the side of the enemy.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The traitor began to actively participate in the “social life” of the city under the occupation authorities. First, she acted as a candidate for deputy of the “youth parliament” in Melitopol.

Later, Nastya joined the youth public movement “Yug-Young” and now actively agitates for “Russian peace“, promotes Russian culture, sings Russian military-patriotic songs and propagandizes local children and their parents to go over to the side of the occupants. The traitor is a member ofYug-Youngand theYoung Guard of United Russia.

The criminal actions of the traitor Anastasia Yaroshenko against her native country deserve the highest measure of punishment, despite the young age of the collaborator. And soon she, too, will find herself before the law and answer for all her evil deeds.