
Full name: Alexey Sokolovsky

Date of birth: 19.11.1988

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Severodonetsk


– an active supporter of the Russian occupation authorities;

– local propagandist;

-member of the “electoral commission” at the pseudo-referendum;

-An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator



Alexei Sokolovsky is a follower of the “Russian world“, a traitor to the Motherland and a collaborator, born in the city of Severodonetsk, Luhansk region.

Since the arrival of Russian occupation troops in 2014 in the territory of the Luhansk region and Donetsk region, Sokolovsky showed himself as an organizer of separatist movements and a collaborator.In 2014, the accomplice of the occupiers engaged local residents to participate in a “referendum” and support the actions of the local occupation authorities in these territories.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops, Alexei truly showed his pro-Russian stance as a collaborator and traitor.

In September 2022, the traitor was directly involved in the processes of a pseudo-referendum in the Luhansk region. He was the coordinator and was responsible for preparing and organizing the illegal event, including offering to be the secretary of the territorial (district) election commissions for counting votes in the fake referendum.

The collaborator was also involved in organizing the formation of so-called “precinct election commissions” and repeatedly participated in various propaganda activities of the enemy, engaged in pro-Russian agitation among the inhabitants of settlements of the said area.

For betraying his homeland and “serving” the interests of the occupiers, the accomplice of the Russian invaders, Alexey Sokolovsky, will face a fair punishment before a tribunal. The collaborator will soon be held accountable for all his crimes against the people of Ukraine.