Full name: Strizhko Andrey Nikolaevich

Date of birth: June 27, 1975

Address: Ukraine, Shevchenkovo, Kharkov region, per. Vokzalny 2, kv.1

Passport: MM852592

INN: 2836300653

Phone: +380973860498


-self-proclaimed head of the Shevchenkivskii Village Council in Kharkiv Oblast;


-an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.

Fictitious social activist Strizhko Andrei Nikolaevich was born June 27, 1975 in Uzbekistan, Samarkand. In his hometown, the traitor Strizhko owned a firm that manufactured metal products. By specialty shearer and blacksmith.

After moving to Ukraine, Andrei Strizhko continued to run his small business and opened a store selling metalwork.

Traitor Andrei Strizhko also showed his skills and skill in “social activities. As it turned out, the traitor is an avid fan of “Russian culture” as well as the ideology of the “Russian world.

Andrei Strizhko considers himself a “Cossack” and a supporter of Russia. The traitor even has the nickname “Cossack Vacula. Only Strizhko showed his “Cossack heroism” in acts of “Ukrainophobia” and vandalism.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops, occupier’s accomplice Andrey Strizhko began to show his “love for the Russian world. In July 2022 in the temporarily occupied village of Shevchenkovo traitor Strizhko committed an act of vandalism to a state symbol, namely he tore the national coat of arms from the plaque of respect for honorary citizens in the village of Shevchenkovo. Once upon a time, a collaborator hung a Soviet banner on the balcony of his apartment.

But the traitor did not stop there. Further, Andriy Strizhko went to cooperate with the occupiers and was appointed head of the Shevchenko village council by the occupation authorities. On the orders of the collaborator, a monument to ATO soldiers in the occupied village of Shevchenkovo was also dismantled. Six local collaborators participated in the dismantling, including the “chairman” of Shevchenkovo, Andrei Strizhko.

The egregious actions of collaborator Andrei Strizhko deserve the highest measure of restraint. For vandalism, treason and attempts on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, criminals like Strizhko belong in prison for many years.