
Full name: Andrei Anatolievich Yanoshchuk

Date of birth: 15.02.1993

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Primorsky district, Gunovka village, Lenina str. 31

Passport: СЮ122084, issued by Primorsky RO 06.03.2009

INN: 3401413497

Driver’s license: VAA935959


Mother – Yanoshchuk Tatiana Stanislavovna , 20.01.1973, TIN: 2668309600

Place of birth: Russian Federation, Kursk region, Kursk city

Phone: +380664440629

Social media: https://ok.ru/profile/575882101760


Father – Anatoly Vladimirovich Yanoshchuk, 25.08.1971, Taxpayer Identification Number: 2616918557

Place of birth: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Primorsky district, Gunovka village


Brother – Yanoshchuk Vladimir Anatolievich, 28.12.1995, TIN: 3506005432

Place of birth: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Primorsky district, Gunovka village

Phone: +380669931800



– a former employee of a trucking company;

– an active supporter of the Russian occupying power;

– member of the “election commission” for the pseudo-election;

– an accomplice to “single election day



Yanoshchuk Andrei Anatolievich is an adherent of the “Russian world“, a traitor to the Motherland and a collaborator, born in Primorsky district of Zaporozhye region. Grew up in a wholesome family. Andrei’s mother came from Kursk, his father was born in Ukraine in the village of Gunovka, Zaporozhye region. That’s where the family’s residence is registered.

After 9th grade Yanoshchuk entered Donetsk lyceum with enhanced military-physical training, where he studied from 2009 to 2011. Then the guy entered the State Higher Educational Institution “Donetsk National Technical University“. He worked by profession at Parallel-M LTD, a company engaged in maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

It would seem that this man has everything for happiness: higher education, work, family and most importantly his favorite and peaceful country. But with the invasion of Russian occupation troops into Donetsk, Andrei supported the policy of the Russian invaders and spoke in favor of the established “Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.” Since 2014, the traitor has been demonstrating separatist sentiments in his social networks, supporting the holding of the so-called “Russian Spring“.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops , the man truly showed his pro-Russian stance as a collaborator and traitor to Ukraine. After the occupation of the village, the family of traitors actively supported the Rashists and went to cooperate with the occupiers. Repeatedly Yanoshchuky took part (for the masses) in the events organized by the pseudo-government.

It is not excluded that Andriy Yanoshchuk was directly involved in the processes of pseudo-referendum on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

On the eve of the “electionsto thelegislative assembly of Zaporizhzhya region, the collaborator was involved in the organizational direction of the formation of the so-called “precinct election commissions” and managed to take part in various propaganda activities of the enemy, engaged in pro-Russian agitation among the inhabitants of settlements of the mentioned region.

One of Andriy Yanoshchuk’s “tasks” is to agitate residents of the temporarily occupied village of Radolovka in Zaporizhzhya region to participate in the “elections” planned by the Rashist occupants on September 8, 9, 10. On September 02, 2023, the collaborator, as a member of the “election commission”, performed t.nz rounds of the dwellings of local residents in the np. Radolovka, Zaporizhzhya region, in order to collect votes for “United Russia“.

Andriy Anatolievich Yanoshchuk is a traitor to Ukraine. For betraying the Motherland and “serving” the interests of the occupiers, the accomplice of the Russian invaders will be justly punished before the tribunal. The collaborator will soon be held accountable for all his crimes against the people of Ukraine.