
Full Name:
Anna Nikolayevna Dobrovolskaya

Date of Birth:

Ukraine,Zaporizhzhya region,Energodar city


– head of the financial department at ZNPP under the occupation authorities;

– a pseudo city councilwoman;

– Collaborator, traitor to Ukraine.


Anna Nikolayevna Dobrovolskaya is a woman who tried to show patriotism and was a law-abiding citizen of Ukraine before the war, but ended up betraying her native country. She was born on January 27, 1978 in Zaporozhye. He has an economics background. In 2003 she graduated from Mykolaiv State Agrarian University. Worked as an accountant of 1 category in Joint Stock Company“Operating Organization of Zaporozhye NPP” department of accounting of accounts with debtors and creditors Accounting Department of OP JSC “EO ZNPPP”. “Zaporizhzhya NPP” .

Dobrovolska, an employee of the largest technical enterprise in Europe, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian invaders into the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, the traitor voluntarily switched to cooperation with the occupants and began working in the administrative structures of the occupants.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

During the occupation, she first assumed the position of head of the financial and economic department, where she reported to the Russian “masters” on the “legality” of the station’s work and the contracts signed by employees withRosatom, as well as coordinated the receipt of humanitarian aid from the Rashists.

In addition, the treasonous woman is directly related to the pseudo-referendum on the annexation of Zaporizhzhia Region to the Russian Federation.

In her pseudo-duty, Anna Dobrovolskaia organizes accounting work, deals with payments and purchases together with pseudo-activists of the captured ZNPP, and participates in briefings with representatives of the occupation administration.

Also on the eve of the elections planned by the Rashists in September 2023 , the corrupt collaborator registered her candidacy from the political party “United Russia” for deputies of the first convocation of the Energodar City Council of Deputiesand has already managed to participate in the preliminary voting.

For betrayal of the state, violation of the laws of Ukraine and collaborationist activities, the traitor Dobrovolska Anna Nikolaevna will answer on all merits. And the punishment will come very soon.