Full name: Litovkina Anna Valerievna

Date of birth: 22.01.1980

Place of birth: Donetsk region, Gorlovka

Address: Donetsk region, Gorlovka, Bogun St. 63, sq.20.

INN: 2924104508

Mobile number: +380713380903


– Senior Foreman of Gorlovka Multipurpose Technical School #37




Married, with a daughter.


Collaborationist activities:

Litovkina Anna Valerievna, aka Anna Anisimova was born January 22, 1980 in the small town of Gorlovka in the Donetsk region.

Anna, having a college education did not act very wisely with respect to her land. Having assumed the guise of a collaborator, Anna tried to legalize the terrorist organization DNR/LNR, not only by participating in the election of a pseudo-head, but also by personally being a commission member at the polling station behind the address: 59 Pushkinskaya Street.

Anna Anisimova’s actions show how weak she is as a person and as a person, having no opinion of her own.