Full name: Anna Lymar

Date of birth: August 18, 1999

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Starobelsky district, Shulginka village, 4 Mira str.



higher education;



– t.s. “chief specialist of the department of life support in the village. Shulhinka of Starobel district of the LNR”;

– State traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Anna Lymar, a traitor and active supporter of the Russian occupation troops, was born on August 18, 1999, in the village of Shulginka, Luhansk Oblast.

Anna lived in Shulginke until February 24, 2022. She received her higher education at the Lviv Shevchenko National University. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory by the Russian occupiers, Lymar committed high treason and voluntarily agreed to “cooperate” with the Russian occupiers.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

When Russian occupation forces invaded Luhansk oblast, Anna betrayed Ukraine and went to “rapprochement” with the enemy. The occupants appointed the traitor Lymar as the “chief specialist” in the so-called “so called. “The life support department of Shulhinka village of Starobel district administration of the LNR”.

In his new “position,” Lymar actively supports “vitality” in the village. For example, he provides the “police” with information about pro-Ukrainian villagers and decides to “destroy” agricultural enterprises, whose plundered property is then sold to the Russian Federation. Anna does not forget about propaganda – among her friends and acquaintances she actively promotes the values of the “Russian world” and speaks positively about the Russian Federation.

But you have to pay for everything. Anna Lymar will pay in full for her despicable treachery and “assistance” to the Russian occupiers. A place in the dock already awaits the traitor.