
Full name: Anna Nikolayevna Sarbeeva

Date of birth: 02.09.1984

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region Energodar str. Stroiteley 32 sq.48.

INN: 3092621108

Contacts: +380932554061, +0509047221, +79900205592


– an employee of the occupation administration;

– “pension fund supervisor.”

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator

– a contestant in September’s pseudo-election



Sarbeyeva Anna Nikolayevna – a collaborator and traitor of Ukraine was born in the city of Energodar, Zaporozhye region. Before the war, the woman worked as an inspector in the city branch of “Oschadbank“.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Anna chose the side of a collaborator and servant of the Russian invaders. Now she works as a “head of the pension fund” in Energodar. She was engaged in forming the apparatus of the occupation “administration”, created the Russian system of “pension provision”, engaged in settling Russian invaders in the village, helped them with humanitarian aid and turned in patriotically-minded people. She got Russian citizenship.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

In order to fulfill the tasks of the representatives of the occupation authorities of russia, the attacker worked under the apparatus of the occupation administration and contributed in every possible way to the introduction of standards and legislation of the aggressor state in the spheres of life, primarily to attract the local population to “passportization” and voting in a pseudo-referendum on joining russia.

Also one of the “tasks” of the collaborator is agitation of residents of temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhya region to participate in the“elections”planned by theRashist occupants on September 8, 9, 10. After all, Sarbeeva willingly agreed to provide the “voting day” process and was an accomplice to the illegal event.

Anni Nikolaevna Sarbeyeva, a collaborator of the occupation, will soon have to answer to the people for her complicity in the occupation. After all, punishment for aiding and abetting the occupiers is unavoidable.