Полное имя: Нарбеков Антон Сергеевич

Дата рождения: 27.01.1984

Адрес: Украина, Запорожская обл. Приазовский р-н, с. Приазовское, ул. Пушкина 20, кв 6

Телефон: +380958343819

Email: [email protected]


менеджер завода алюминиевой посуды “Силумин”;

—глава Приазовской районной молодежной общественной организации “Молодые регионы”;

—пособник “русского мира”;



The state traitor Anton Sergeevich Narbekov was born on January 27, 1984 in the village of Priazovskoye, Zaporozhye region. Until February 24, 2022, Narbekov was the manager of the aluminum cookware plant Silumin, located in Zaporizhzhia region. Anton Narbekov was also engaged in social activities and served as the head of the Priazovsky district youth public organization “Young Regions.

Антиукраинская  и коллаборационистская деятельности:

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops on February 24, 2022, Anton Narbekov voluntarily defected to the occupiers. Anton agitated students to help the occupying forces and assist in spreading propaganda narratives among young people in Priazovskoye in support of the actions of the Russian Armed Forces.

In addition, the occupier’s accomplice collected information about local residents who support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and have a negative attitude toward the military aggression of the Russian Federation. The collaborator passed data on these people to the representatives of the occupation authorities.

For cooperating with the Russian aggressor and betraying his homeland, the traitor Narbekov Anton Sergeevich will spend a fair time behind bars, which he certainly deserves for his despicable collaborationist activities.