Full name: Artem Vladimirovich Bugrovenko

Date of birth: September 24, 1991

Marital status: married

Place of birth/place of residence: Kherson region, Nova Kakhovka

DRFO: 3347300034

Mobile number: +38050674399

Rank: Sergeant

Personal transportation: Mitsubishi outlander xl asphalt color

License plate: BT 3931 VK

Hobbies: soccer, plays for the team of Leader Football Club

Occupation: t.s. a police officer of the occupation authorities in Nova Kakhovka


Wife: Lida Bugrovenko (Vysotskaya)

Birthday: September 16

Activities on the side of the occupier:

With the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, Artem Bugrovenko voluntarily took the side of the occupiers, as did many of his colleagues.

At the moment, it is guarding the infrastructure of the occupation authorities, cleansing territories and facilities where the pro-Ukrainian population may be located.

Participated in the suppression of protests during the Revolution of Dignity

Lider FC


Family photos: