Full name: Dmitry Olegovich Astrakhan

Date of birth: 06.08.1986

Address: Donetsk region, Donetsk city, Universitetskaya street, 15, sq. 5;

Phones: +380622353237, +380713005892.


– a former employee of the “Ministry of Information” of the terrorist organization “DNR;

– A war correspondent and “military expert” for “DNR” television;

– editor-in-chief of the “Pravda DNR” portal;

– the administrator of an anti-Ukrainian public forum.

As of 2019, his military rank was that of Senior Lieutenant.

Marital status: married, with a daughter.

Email: [email protected].

DRFO code: 3162904339.

Possible PID: b7430a58741f3918.


Published in the following publications:

1. publications on “Voencor Astrakhan”;

2. analytical summaries for the information-analytical portal “Russkiy Dozor. V novosti i anatiletika Z”;

3. articles and reports for RT “Russia”;

4. materials for the publication “People’s News”;

5. materials for the LiveJournal;

6. articles and analytics in Yandex.Zen.

War correspondent Dmitry Astrakhan was born August 6, 1986 in Donetsk, where he grew up, studied and began working. Dmitry Astrakhan does not give any information about his higher education, perhaps ashamed of his lack of higher professional education, because in fact Dmitry graduated as an engineer, not a journalist. Having betrayed his native country Ukraine, Dmitry defected to the separatists and took the oath of allegiance to the terrorist organization “DNR.

According to Dmitry, he began his career by “trolling” in Zhzhzh and Vkontakte. He positioned himself as editor-in-chief of Pravda “DNR,” where the editorial board consisted of one person, and that was Dmitry Astrakhan himself. After a “successful” start to his journalistic career, Dmitry decided to join the army. Isn’t that what you always do when things are going well?

Dmitry Astrakhan began his service in the “People’s Militia” of the so-called “DNR,” later becoming its press secretary. Dmitriy is proud of the fact that he was one of the first to spread myths about fascism in Ukraine, repeating the Kremlin’s methodology that every Ukrainian is a fascist. In the interview, Dmitry admits that he wrote the text in “very accessible language for the population,” which resulted in a significant distribution of the material and, consequently, brought popularity to Dmitry as a true master of injecting Russian narratives into the ears of the audience.

Dmitry works as a war correspondent for the Russian news agency RT Russia. In his materials and reports, he covers the events of the war from a certain angle, which will not lend itself to criticism from the Russian authorities. Also, in the materials created by him, crude manipulative techniques, including outright deception, twisting of facts and propaganda, creation of fakes were noticed.

Astrakhan, like a real criminal, supports the “DNR” military formations both informationally and financially. Under the guise of being a war correspondent, he participates in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine as a mercenary on the side of the Russian Armed Forces.

As a journalist, Dmitry Astrakhan made many unprofessional blunders. For example, he shoots reports about “bombed out” apartment buildings, while showing a clean street without shrapnel. When analyzing his activities, we can conclude that the journalist is often incompetent in the issues he covers and uses unprofessional language, such as “shit,” “well, really…” and so on.

There are many selfies of Dmitriy on his personal social media pages, which casts doubt on his intentions to film actual war events and not his face against the background of all that is going on. For the record, war correspondents are good at being photographed “against the backdrop” of war, but quickly disappear when it comes to something more serious.

In his Telegram channel, Astrakhan, like his other “colleagues,” blames all the troubles on the Ukrainian army. He also publishes videos where he says one thing and shows another.

Astrakhan tries to hide her personal life because she fears for her and her family’s lives. And for good reason, for the slightest condemnation of “SWO” could cost his daughter’s life.


Dmitry’s Daughter