
Full name: Kaznavetsky Bogdan Vladimirovich

Date of birth: May 10

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: series MR number 462991, issued on 08.06.2015 by Genicheskiy Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kherson region

RNOCPP: 3628906496

Phone: +380991247434

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Genichesk, 82, Chkalova str.


– organizer and host of events, showman;

– deputy of the Genichesk City Council from “opzj”;

– First Deputy Head of the occupation administration of the Genichesk city territorial community of Genichesk district, Kherson region;

– an employee of the Ministry of Culture of the Kherson region;

– traitor, collaborator



Kaznavetsky Bohdan Vladimirovich is a traitor to Ukraine and an active collaborator of the Russian occupation troops, was born on May 10 in the town of Genichesk, Kherson region.

Until February 24, 2022 Alexander was engaged in the organization of cultural events, was the host of various children’s parties. In the city of Genichesk, Kaznavetsky is known as a famous entertainer, as well as a deputy of the city council from the political party “Oppozh“.

With the beginning of of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian occupiers. Kaznavetskyi betrayed Ukraine and voluntarily began to “cooperate” with the Russian invaders, especially in the field of culture.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

At first, the collaborator took the position of “first deputy head of the occupation administration ofGenicheskcity territorial community ofGenicheskdistrict of Kherson region”. The pseudo-collaborator is posted on the website of “Genichesk cityadministration” in the section “structure of administration”, where the collaborator even has appointments to talk to citizens.

Then, as a cultural worker, Kaznavetsky headed one of the “culture departments” under the occupiers. Traitor of Ukraine is engaged in organizing and conducting events in favor of russia, propaganda “of the Russian worldRussian narratives and fakes,” as well as the dissemination of Russian narratives and fakes.

In his new “position” Bogdan Vladimirovich was actively engaged in “cultural and educational work among civilians and young people, for example, the organization of so-called “Russian holidays” under the auspices of the occupants.

Voluntarily “working” in the so-called of the “occupation administration”, Bohdan Kaznavetsky became an accomplice to all the crimes of the invaders and collaborators against innocent people.

However, the traitor will soon answer to the Ukrainian people for his crimes. Jail time is already awaiting the collaborator.