Full name: Neshered Yekaterina from Lisichansk

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region city. Lysychansk



– former student in the city of Lisichansk;

– humanitarian aid organizer;

– An accomplice of the Russian troops, a collaborator of the Russian army


Neshered Yekaterina, a student who became an accomplice of the enemy troops, was born in the city of Lisichansk, Luhansk Region. Until February 24, 2022, she studied in The Luhansk National University named after V. V. Luhansk. Shevchenko.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the start ofthe full-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops in February 2022, Kateryna Neshered voluntarily defected to the side of the occupiers.

The girl began agitating locals to help the Russian Armed Forces soldiers, the so-called “liberators. The collaborator then began organizing humanitarian aid for the enemy and helping not only with food, but also with medicines, tourniquets and other medical supplies in the form of humanitarian aid for Russian terrorists.

In addition, Katerina willingly gave interviews to Russian propaganda channels, in which she accused the Ukrainian Armed Forces of constant shelling of Luhansk Oblast settlements and called on “liberators” to stop “fascism in Ukraine.

For helping the enemy and betraying her homeland collaborator Katerina Neshered will suffer a fair punishment, and it will come for the traitor very soon.