What is known about the collaborants from “lnr”, who discussed the theft of Ukrainian children.

The other day, Ukrainian prankster Yevhen Volnov managed to get into a closed video conference of “children’s affairs officials” of the so-called “lnr” with the help of hackers. At the meeting, which was held on June 7, the fate of orphans was discussed. Including babies whose parents were killed by Russian “liberators” after February 2022.

As it turned out, many of the collaborators participated in the conference with their cameras turned off, making it impossible to identify them. In particular, this applies to representatives of the settlements occupied over the last year and a half (Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Starobelsk, Troitskoye, Novopskov, Belovodsk, Belokurakino).

Nevertheless, the “evocation.info” team, having scrutinized the full videoconference recording, identified a significant portion of the participants. In this way it was possible to uncover a whole group of collaborators, which until now had remained in the shadows. And additionally to confirm the betrayal of Ukrainian citizens, which was known about before.

We hope that this information will be useful to the Security Service of Ukraine and other interested structures.

Child kidnappers from “lnr”

cherenkovaSvetlana Anatolievna Cherenkova (Silaeva)

Date of birth: 18.01.1970

Place of birth: Lugansk

Position: “Head of the Department for Family and Children’s Affairs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Lnr”

Address: Lugansk, 3 Stroitelnaya str. 10

Passport (ukr): EK 222591

TIN (Ukr): 2558500381

Phone (Ukr): +380994297270

Social networks: OK, VK

In her questionnaires, Cherenkova indicates that she has never been married, yet has two sons. Dmitry settled in Kiev after the war started in 2014, while Ilya moved to Rostov-on-Don. Cherenkova also claims that in her already quite advanced age she still lives with her parents.

Prior to the occupation, Cherenkova worked at the social services center for families, children and youth in Luhansk and also taught at Luhansk Specialized School No. 1. She’s in the“Peacemaker” database.


Zanufrienko (Gurova) Natalia Sergeyevna

Date of birth: 21.05.1974

Place of birth: Lugansk region, Pereval district, Seleznyovka settlement

Position: “Head of the Prevention Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Lnr”

Address: Lugansk region, Stanytsia Luganskaya settlement, 16 Gogol str.

TIN (Ukr): 2716914186

Social networks: OK 1, OK 2, VK

Before the occupation she worked in the Stanichno-Lugansk district center of social services for families, children and youth.


Zanufrienko with Ukrainian certificate (2012)

majevskaia-1Svetlana Grigoryevna Mayevskaya

Date of birth: 17.02.1964

Place of birth: Lugansk region, Pereval district, Bugayovka settlement

Position: “Head of the Department for Family and Children’s Affairs of the Bryanka City Administration”


  • Luhansk region, Bryanka, Lenina Pl. 6, app.24.
  • rf, Moscow region, Dmitrov, 40, Makhalina str., app.274

Passport (ros): 6019608645 (issued in 2019)

TIN (Ukr): 2342315848

Before the occupation she worked in the executive committee of the Bryansk City Council and in the children’s affairs service of Bryansk. In 2019 she received rf citizenship. She’s in the “Peacemaker” database. The daughter of the collaborator lives in the Moscow region.


Svetlana Mayevskaya (2019)

Stealing children for Putin

Iakovleva-1Natalya Vladimirovna Yakovleva (Koshcheeva)

Date of birth: 24.01.1972

Place of birth: rf, Udmurtia, Yarsky district, Yar settlement

Position: “Head of the Department for Family and Children’s Affairs of the Administration of Anthracite and Anthracite District”.

Address: Luhansk region, Anthracite, Kamennyi settlement, Shakhterskaya str. 148, app.11.

Passport (Ukr): EM 021305

TIN (Ukr): 2632100964

Phone: +380509558882

Social networks: OK

Before the occupation of Luhansk Region, Yakovleva worked in the education department of the Anthracite City Council. She is listed in the “Peacemaker” database.


Natalia Yakovleva (2022)

virko-1Virko Elena Aleksandrovna

Date of birth: 07.04.1972

Position: “Head of the Department for Family and Children’s Affairs of Stakhanov city administration (ukr. Kadiyivka)”.

Address: Lugansk region, Teplogorsk (Irmino), 21, Yunosti St., app.1

TIN (Ukr): 2639515089

Before the occupation she worked in the department of education and upbringing of the Stakhanov (Kadiyivka) City Council. She’s in the “Peacemaker” database.


Elena Virko (2018)

neverova-1Neverova (Gumenchuk) Anastasia Vasilyevna

Date of birth: 18.10.1991

Place of birth: Luhansk Oblast, Perevalsk city

Position: “Official of the Perevalsky Raion Administration”


  • Luhansk region, Perevalsk, Proletarskaya str. 8, app.1
  • г. Perevalsk, 35 Kiyko St., app.14

TIN (Ukr): 3352804122

Social networks: VK, OK

katulina-1Tatiana Sergeyevna Katulina (Lukash)

Date of birth: 15.08.1985

Place of birth: Lugansk region, Sverdlovsk district, Volodarsk settlement

Position: “Head of the Guardianship and Trusteeship Sector of the Department for Family and Children’s Affairs of the Administration of the City of Sverdlovsk and the Sverdlovsk District”.

Address: Lugansk region, Volodarsk settlement, Gogolya str. 4, app.14

TIN (Ukr): 3127314367

Phone: +380721616663

Social networks: VK, OK

Until 2014, she worked in the village council of Volodarsk, then she switched to the side of the occupants and still works there today.


Tatiana Katulina (2023)

More thieves

bogatyrevaBogatyreva (Dovzhuk) Victoria Alexandrovna

Date of Birth: 30.07.1987

Place of birth: Luhansk region, Pervomaysk city

Address: Luhansk region, Pervomaysk, quarter 40 years of victory 15, app.27

Passport (Ukr): EN 275365

TIN (Ukr): 3198717806

Phone: +380687286325

Social networks: VK

timinsayaTatiana Anatolievna Timinskaya

Date of birth: 13.08.1979

Place of birth: Kirovsk, Lugansk Oblast

Position: “Head of the Department for Family and Children’s Affairs of the Slavyanoserbsky Raion Administration”


  • Lugansk region, Slavyanoserbsk settlement, Gagarina str. 43, app.18
  • Slavyanoserbsk, Central 19

Passport (Ukr): EN 115544

TIN (Ukr): 2907912564

Phone (ukr): +380667302344, +380983357453

Social networks: VK 1, VK 2

Before the occupation, she worked at the Slavyanoserbsk Agricultural Technical School, and as a principal at the Trichizbensk Comprehensive School. She’s in the“Peacemaker” database.

solodovnikSolodovnik (Demeshkina) Natalia Sergeevna

Date of birth: 20.07.1983

Place of birth: Lugansk region, Lutuginsky district, Uspenka settlement

Position: “Official of the Lutuginsky Raion Administration”

Address: Lugansk region, Lutuginsky district, Uspenka settlement, 32 Chekhova str.

TIN (Ukr): 3051612985

TkachenkoTkachenko (Yevtushenko) Natalia Alexandrovna

Date of birth: 05.01.1990

Place of birth: Luhansk region, Lutugino city

Position: “Official of the Lutuginsky Raion Administration”

Address: Lugansk region, Lutuginsky district, Uspenka settlement, 50 years of October 40, app.2.

Passport (Ukr): EN 506243

TIN (Ukr): 3287708447

Phone (ukr): +380661725511

Social networks: VK

VelikohatskaiaIrina Vladimirovna Velikohatskaya

Date of birth: 24.02.1982

Place of birth: Luhansk Oblast, Markovskiy District, Sychanskoye village

Position: “Head of the Republican Center for Support of Families and Youth”


  • Luhansk region, Markovsky district, Sychanskoye village, Eremenko str. 8, sq.2.
  • Lugansk, quar. Proletariat of Donbass 8, square 325.
  • Lugansk, Metrostroevskaya str. 6, app.60

Passport (Ukr): EK 813479

TIN (Ukr): 3000519681

Phone (ukr): +380954013143

Social networks: OK, VK

Before the occupation, she worked at the agricultural enterprise “Agroton” and was also a deputy of the Sychanskoye village council from the “Party of Regions”.