Full name: Daria Mikhailovna Shulika

Date of birth: 31.10.1997

Address: Semikozovka village, Belovodsk district, Lugansk region, Shchorsa str. 2а



– Artistic Director of the children’s dance ensemble “Promenade”;

– the head of the cultural department of the Bialowod district under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, a collaborator



Darya Mikhailovna Shulika, an employee of the occupation administration, was born on October 31, 1997 in the village of Semikozovka, Belovodsk district, Lugansk region.

Since childhood, Daria Mikhailovna was fond of creativity, was engaged in dancing and also became the artistic director of the children’s dance ensemble “Promenade” when the girl was in college. But as it turned out, Daria pretended to be someone who promoted Ukrainian things, but in fact was harboring pro-Russian views.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian invaders, Darya Mikhailovna’s position was confirmed. The girl voluntarily agreed to cooperate with representatives of the racist authorities and began working in the department of culture under the occupation authorities in Belovodsk.

In August 2022 Daria Shulika was appointed head of the cultural department of the Bialowod district under the occupation administration.

The collaborator is the organizer of many cultural events in the city, which are held under the motto “
Russian world
“. The traitor also coordinated the organization of concerts to support Russian servicemen and organized various humanitarian aid for the occupants.

For aiding the occupying forces, aiding the enemy, and her pro-Russian stance, the traitor will face imminent punishment, which will soon befall the traitor.