Full name: Bukin Denis Igorevich

Date of birth: June 22, 1988

Passport: No. 002238849

INN: 3231500697

Address: Ukraine, Melekino village, Donetsk region, Azovskaya street, 11.

Contacts: +380984746697


– the head of the Melekino village council;

– an employee of the occupation administration;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.


Traitor Bukin Denis Igorevich was born on June 22, 1988 in the village of Melekino, Mangusha district of Donetsk region. He served as head of the Meleka territorial community in the Mangusha district of the Donetsk region.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Denis Igorevich began actively assisting the occupation troops and the interim leadership in the village of Melekino.

Collaborator contributed to the activities of the russian military, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the russian armed forces. The collaborator, through his connections in the local police, also organized the recruitment of Ukrainian citizens to participate in anti-Ukrainian rallies and to carry out sabotage on the territory of Ukraine.

Now the traitor Bukin Denis acts as the head of the Mariupol Primorsky District administration from the occupation administration, as well as acting as a specialist on the development of the Mariupol district of the “dnr.

The collaborator Bukin Denis Igorevich will be justly punished for supporting the actions of the aggressor state. He will certainly answer to the law for his pro-Russian stance.