
Full name: Kostyuk Denis Sergeyevich

Date of birth: May 14, 1983

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region Slavyanoserbsky district, s. Khoroshee, Chapaeva str. 29


– an employee of the bodies of internal affairs of Ukraine;

– militant
of illegal armed groups


– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants


Denis Sergeyevich Kostyuk, a civil servant who sneakily betrayed his country, was born in the city of Lugansk. Graduated from Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after Eduard Alekseevich Didorenko in 2012. He worked in the law enforcement agencies of Luhansk Oblast, and also paid a working visit to Moscow in 2014.

Sergey turned out to be a criminal, terrorist, and collaborator. Since 2014, Sergey supported the occupation policy of the Russian Federation and led a separatist movement in the Luhansk region. At the same time, the policeman defected to the side of the Russian invaders and became a member of the “people’s militia of the LNR .

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The terrorist Kostyuk has been fighting against Ukraine since 2014. He was also a fighter in one of the mechanized brigades of the 2nd army corps of the “people’s militia of the LNR . The traitor was also engaged in the persecution of people with a pro-Ukrainian position. Actively participated in the illegal referendum on the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops on February 24, 2022, an accomplice of the Russian occupiers assisted the “local administration” in organizing public order. He cooperated closely with representatives of the military administration of the occupants in the Luhansk region.

It is such scum as the collaborator and terrorist Kostyuk Denis Sergeevich who deserves the harshest measures of punishment. The traitor must answer to the people on all their merits. Because there is no forgiveness for people like him.