Full name: Sadokha Denis Valeryevich

Date of birth: 16.03.1979

Ukraine, Kharkov region, Izyum, Independence Ave, 41, sq. 67;


Phone: +48576632222, +380509984914, +380934848586;


– journalist, editor-in-chief of the Pressinform publishing house;

– the founder of a charitable foundation;

– anti-Ukrainian propagandist;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;



Divorced, has two daughters, alimony debtor.

A journalist at “work” for Putin’s propagandists – Sadokha Denis Valerievich, born March 16, 1979 in the city of Kharkov, Kharkov region. However, Denis is realized as a person not in Kharkov, but in Kiev.

By the way, Sadokha worked all his life as a journalist. His greatest success was with the Pressinform publishing house, which is now out of business. He was also a member of various NGOs, such as the “Committee for Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies and OGV in Combating Corruption and Organized Crime,” or the “Margos” charity organization, which was involved in helping victims of Russian aggression.

It’s too bad Denis actually supported this aggression, informationally. Even before the invasion, he was published in openly propagandistic Russian resources with anti-Ukrainian articles. By his criminal actions he supported the Russian occupiers and became a traitor. Now Sadokha continues to work in favor of the Kremlin propaganda machine.

Denis Sadokha should know that viral articles are punishable by real, criminal articles. And for his treason he will pay with imprisonment for the rest of his life.