
Full Name:
Beregovaya Diana Anatolievna

Date of birth:
April 22

Address: Ukraine, Melitopol city


– organizing teacher;

– organizer of propaganda activities under the occupiers;

– Traitor to the Motherland, collaborator



Beregovaya Diana Anatolievna is a pseudo-teacher with little teaching experience, who betrayed her country was born in Ukraine in Melitopol district of Zaporozhye region. She studied at Melitopol Pedagogical University. Before the war she worked in Konstantinovskaya secondary school “Prometheus” as a teacher-organizer.

A young teacher, who could have devoted her career to her native country, turned out to be a despicable traitor and accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in 2022, Diana defected to the side of the occupiers.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Now the traitor has taken a position at the “Department for work with municipal districts of Zaporizhzhya region on education” from the occupation authorities. The girl conducts propaganda activities among teachers and enforces the implementation of the russian project “conversations about important” to deliver information to students on socio-political issues. Coordinates the activities of pro-Russian youth organizations.

The traitor also participates in the organization of cultural festivals for the younger generation with Rashist symbols. Conducts propaganda work among the population against Ukraine, supports the occupants, distributes their humanitarian aid. Encourages parents to bring their children to a Russian school on September 1, and has gone door-to-door encouraging parents to put their children in a children’s camp.

Diana Beregovaya is an accomplice of the Putin regime in Ukraine, as well as an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian occupiers against Ukraine and its citizens, for which she will certainly have to answer.