Full name: Pankin Dmitry Sergeevich

Date of birth: 03.01.1987

Address: Russia, Kaluga region, Kirov district, Shaykovka, 4.

Passport: 2914673795

INN: 402315267595

ID: 16157578893

Cell phone: +79106079011

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Military rank: Major, third class pilot

Place of service: 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment (Kaluga Region, Shaykovka settlement).

Occupation.: war criminal, terrorist, pilot of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment



Wife: Pankina Elena Aleksandrovna

Date of birth: 17.09.1989

Phone: +79106086576, +79164540160

Social media: https://www.instagram.com/elena_pankina_aleksandrovna/

Email: [email protected]

Daughter: Pankina Alexandra Dmitrievna


Hyundai Grand Santa Fe (part number: O658XK161, vin: KMHSU81XDEU237947)

The information about war criminals is taken from an investigation by the OSINT community:

Brief Biography

Russian terrorist serviceman Dmitry Sergeevich Pankin, 3rd class pilot, serves in the aviation regiment of the unit 33310, has the military rank of major.

Pankin was born in Kolomna, Moscow Oblast, and studied at a branch of the Air Force Military Training and Research Center “Zhukov Military Air Academy named after N.E. Zhukov and Y.A. Gagarin. He studied at a branch of the Air Force Military Research Center “Zhukovsky N.E. and Y.A. Gagarin Air Academy.

In the biography of pilot Dmitry Pankin, for the most part, there are negative moments. For example, as of 2020 a serviceman had arrears in payments totaling 60 thousand rubles.

War Crimes of Dmitry Pankin

The most “outstanding” moment in the military pilot’s biography was the date of January 14, 2023. It was on that day that Pankin was involved in a terrorist act and the execution of a massive missile attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine, namely on the city of Dnepr.

Terrorist Dmitry Pankin produced supersonic long-range airborne anti-ship cruise missiles X-22. One of these killer rockets hit a high-rise building in the city of Dnepr and as a result of the hit the whole entrance of the high-rise collapsed, from floors 2 to 9, and the first floor together with the people and the bodies of the dead was under the rubble.

As a result of a terrorist attack by members of an aviation regiment in Dnepr – more than 40 victims, the fate of many people remains unknown.

Major Dmitry Sergeevich Pankin is a real terrorist, who deserves only prison and the cruelest punishment. Everyone responsible for the missile attack on the apartment building in Dnepr will be severely punished for following Putin’s bloody orders!