
Full name: Eduard Litvin

Date of birth: 10.10.1972

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Energodar city
Contacts: +30664804983



– an employee of the ZNPP;

– An accomplice of Russian troops, a collaborator

– local occupation official


Resident of Zaporizhzhya region, who believed in the “Russian world“, engaged in aiding and abetting the Rashists – Eduard Litvin . Worked at ZNPP as a specialist. For working for the good of the state turned out to be a pseudo-patriot, who for the sake of Putin’s regime sold out for rubles and betrayed Ukraine.

Before the invasion of Russian troops, as well as after the invasion of Energodar, he held a pro-Russian position and sentiments, promoting the culture of the Russian world and supported the occupation regime of Putin.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

With the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupants in Zaporizhzhya region, Litvin switched to “Russian social standards” of life, went around recommending them to everyone. He also signed a contract with “Rosatom”.As soon as theRussiantroops came in columns of equipment and occupied the administrative buildings of Energodar, he was one of the first to run to the representatives of the Russian troops “to bow” to ask for a position.

Thus Edik became an employee of the administration, in common parlance a “six”, to collect local sentiments and report to the “local interim administration“. For his “good” service to Rashism he received a Russian passport without waiting in line and accordingly considers himself a citizen of Russia.

The collaborator has pro-Russian views. He helped the invaders, provided housing for Russian soldiers, held fundraisers to support the Russians. Military. Together with the occupation law enforcement agencies, he agitated pro-Ukrainian locals to defect to the side of the aggressor country.

Conducted active anti-Ukrainian propaganda. He turned in people who help the AFU and support Ukraine.

For betraying Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, Eduard Lytvyn will be severely punished!