
Full name: Ekaterina Ivanovna Kolpakova

Date of birth: 06.02.1952

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Golaya Prystan town


– t.nz Head of the Golopristan veterans’ organization;

– an accomplice of the Russian invaders;

– Traitor to the Motherland, collaborator


Kolpakova Ekaterina Ivanovna – traitor to the Motherland and participant of theRashist events, was born on February 06, 1952 in the city of Golaya Prystan.

Pislyakova once worked under the township council. Since 2005, Kolpakova has been listed as the head of the legal entity of the Golopristan city primary organization of veterans of war and labor of Ukraine. But, as it turned out, the woman concealed her pro-Russian views and voluntarily supported the policy of the occupation authorities with their invasion of the Kherson region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Kolpakova began to actively assist the occupation troops and the temporary leadership in the territory of Golopristan district. In Russian registers he is listed as the head of the Golopristan veteran organization.

Collaborator contributed to the activities of Russian Federation military personnel, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the Russian armed forces. In particular, she performed her “duties” of the village under the leadership of the Rashists at the pseudo-referendum held by the occupants, and conducted “explanatory work” with local residents. She was campaigning forRussian citizenship.

Propagandizes “Russian world” and is connected with cooperation with the gauleiters of Kherson region and their representatives. She has participated in supporting and organizing various events that benefit Russia and is a member of pro-Russian NGOs. She took part in the forum to support Russia “Together with Russia“.

The collaborator participated in gatherings of pseudo officials, where she advocated the installation of Russian symbols in the village in order to honor the victory “over fascism” and the fight against the “Kiev regime” .

Kolpakova Kateryna Ivanovna will soon have to answer to the people for her blatant actions in front of the Ukrainian people and her adherence to the actions of the Russian occupiers. For the punishment for aiding the enemy is inevitable.