
Full name: Bezrukova Elena Vitalievna

Date of birth: January 23, 1961

Address: Ukraine, Kherson


– an employee of the occupation administration in the city of Kherson;

– A collaborator of the occupation authorities, a collaborator



Bezrukova Elena Vitalievna – traitor and collaborator, was born on January 23, 1961 in the city of Kherson.

The woman worked for the city’s housing and utilities company, held the position of chief accountant, and for some time headed an association of co-owners of an apartment building. Until February 24, 2022, she worked as deputy chief accountant of State Institution North Correctional Colony No. 90.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Elena Vitalievna began to deal with administrative issues in the occupation administration in the city of Kherson and actively assisted the temporary leadership of representatives of the “Putin regime.

During the occupation of the city, the woman worked with the occupiers at penal colony No. 90. It advocates occupation and armed aggression, and promotes “Russian peace. Then she left for Russia and gave her pension card to her sister in Germany, so she still receives a Ukrainian pension.

For complicity with the occupiers traitor Bezrukova Elena Vitalievna inevitable punishment awaits. The woman betrayed her people and volunteered to help the enemy troops. The collaborator is sure to pay for this.