
Full name: Elena Leonidovna Dmytruk

Date of birth: 15.01.1972

Address: Ukraine, Kherson


– candidate for deputy to the Kherson city council from the party “opZh“;

– director of the enterprise “Khersonlift”;

– deputy director of the limited liability company “Beryslav-bakery” under the occupants;

– a participant in the fake September election, a participant in the “preferential ballot.”


Another collaborator from Kherson, as well as a participant of pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied part of the Kherson region – Dmytruk Elena Leonidovna. He is a political and public figure in the city of Kherson. In 2015, she ran for the Kherson City Council as a deputy of the 7th convocation from the political party “opposition bloc” in the majority constituency №44. Her husband – N.I. Dmytruk – is an ex-nardeputy of the 7th convocation of the “Party of Regions” (2012) and the political party “Our Land“. (2020г.). Elena Leonidovna is a widow, as her husband died in 2021. It is known that Elena has real estate in Moscow.

In addition to political activity, Dmytruk Elena is the owner of LLC “Khersonlift”. The firm was founded in May 2015. Dmytruk also owns 97.89% of shares of PJSC “Khersonlift”. The firms are located at the same address. In Kherson at 11 Karbyshev Street. In 2015, the firm had already been caught up in a corruption scandal in which it was suspected of fictitious work on elevator repairs, for which the firm received more than UAH 1 million from the Department of Housing and Utilities of the Kherson City Council.

The fate of Elena Leonidovna changed abruptly after the beginning of a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, because if before the war Elena represented the interests of Ukraine, then with the beginning of occupation actions of Russia, Dmytruk defected to the side of the enemy and began to “live a new life” only as a state traitor and accomplice of “Putin’s regime“.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

The first thing the owner of “Khersonlift” did, voluntarily and on her own initiative, was to re-register her business under Russian law. She refused to pay bills and services to Ukrainian requisites, and pays exclusively to Russian ones. According to available information, now Elena Leonidovna is the deputy director of the limited liability company “Beryslav-bakery“, a position she received from representatives of the occupation authorities in Kherson region. With the de-occupation of Kherson, the collaborator moved to the left bank.

Also in fulfillment of the tasks of the representatives of the occupation authorities of rf, the attacker works at the apparatus of the occupation administration and in every possible way contributes to the introduction of standards and legislation of the aggressor state in the spheres of life, primarily to attract the local population to “passportization” and voting in the pseudo-elections in September 2023.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

The former deputy of the “opzj” on her own initiative and with the support of the occupation administration has expressed her desire to become a member of the “parliament” ofthe occupied Kherson region.Her candidacy appeared in the list of those willing to take part in the primaries of the “United Russia” party published online. Accordingly, the state treasonist took part in the preliminary voting and became the leader of the “primaries” with 4152 votes.

In August 2023, the “leader” of the list of candidates for deputies to the t.nz “Kherson Regional Duma” Olena Dmytruk received a certificate of a candidate to the illegal authority. The documents were handed over t.nz the chairman of the election Commission of the Kherson region Marina Zakharova.

The collaborator happily participates in the illegal activities of the Rashists and notes that “it is very pleasant to realize that Kherson region is under the flag of the Russian Federation and that the first Kherson regional Duma will be formed here”.

Dmytruk Elena Leonidovna, widow of a Kherson MP supported the occupation authorities. She is now a Russian party candidate and is running in a fake election. Sooner or later the collaborator will answer for betraying Ukraine. She won’t get away with treason. Looking forward to the AFU coming after Yelena in the russified parliament in the occupied territories and then everyone will get what they deserve.