Full name: Krasnova Elena Pavlovna

Date of birth: 30.07.1995

INN: 3490907349

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Trudovaya street, 3.

Contacts: +380725233088, +380663980219




– an employee of the administrative structures of the Starobel district;

– An employee of the social structures of the Starobel occupation administration of the “LNR;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.



Elena Pavlovna Krasnova, a traitor to the country and admirer of the “Russian world,” was born on July 30, 1995, in the village of Vesyoloye, Starobel district, Lugansk region. He has a higher education.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Elena Pavlovna worked in the Department of Social Security of the Military Civil Administration of Starobelskiy District of Lugansk Region and held the position of chief accountant.

Elena Krasnova, an employee of government agencies, turned out to be a person with a pro-Russian position and a traitor, who with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops engaged in collaboration and complicity with the enemy.

Gosizmenitsa defected to the side of the occupant and took the position of chief specialist of the department for life support (Veseloe, Sadki, Bondarevo, Antonovka and Tarabany villages) of the Starobelsky district administration of the LNR.

While “working” in a management “position” in the so-called. “Elena was characterized by openly anti-Ukrainian views. For example, she publicly supports rf aggression in the war against Ukraine and “Russian peace”. In her social networks Ludmila puts up publications of relevant content.

The collaborator was engaged in the Russian passportization of residents of temporarily occupied settlements in Luhansk region, the so-called “lnr”. Participated in working meetings with the heads of departments of the occupation administration. Also assisted in registering businesses according to the law and russian standards. Introduced the social protection standards of russia.

For her service to the Russian occupiers, the collaborator Krasnova Elena Pavlovna will have to answer to the people. A place in the dock is already waiting for the traitor.