“Social worker” and traitor in one person – Kravchenko Elena Vladimirovna, maiden name Voynova, was born on October 9, 1960 in Stakhanov, Lugansk region. Elena studied at Stakhanov School No. 17 from 1967 to 1977.
Graduating from high school, Kravchenko decided to become an engineer, and after graduating from a specialized university, she worked at various enterprises, but she achieved the greatest success at Stakhanov Carriage Works, where she held the position of lead engineer. After 2014, when the so-called “quasi-republics” emerged, the “quasi-Republics” were the first to emerge. The “DNR” and “LNR” stopped work at the plant, and Elena had to look for a job.
Nevertheless, Elena Kravchenko had such an opportunity and got a job as an “employee” in the so called. “Stakhanov Social Welfare Center LNR. That’s where she’ll do her most heinous deed. In 2022, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, Elena continued to work for the occupiers and, together with her “colleagues,” participated in the organization and conduct of the so-called The “referendum” that the invaders arranged to justify the illegal annexation of VOT Ukraine to the Russian Federation. Yelena was also actively engaged in propaganda work and distributed publications calling for the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
Elena Kravchenko faces imminent and severe punishment for betraying Ukraine and participating in a “pseudo-referendum.
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