Full name: Obapolenko Elena Vladimirovna

Date of birth: June 11, 1970

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Severodonetsk district, Stroiteley str, 39, sq.56

Contacts: +380660144823


– head of the Department of Education in Rubizhne, Lugansk Oblast;

– head of the Department of Education of the “Rubizhne City Administration of the LNR;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, a collaborator


Obapolenko Elena Vladimirovna, an employee of the occupation administration, was born on June 11, 1970, in the city of Rubizhne, Luhansk Oblast.

Since 2013, Elena Vladimirovna was the head of the Department of Education of Rubizhne, Luhansk region, of the Rubizhne City Council. But as it turned out, for many years the state employee pretended to be a person who promoted Ukrainian, but in fact she was hiding pro-Russian views.Also, the woman was involved in a high-profile corruption scandal.

In 2019, Elena Vladimirovna was charged with embezzlement of budgetary funds worth hundreds of thousands of hryvnias. In addition to all of the above, the head of Gorono Elena Obapolenko forced school principals to limit the cost of electricity, that is, prohibited the use of lighting to the detriment of the educational process. She managed to cover the cost of services consumed by tenants from the Rubizhne budget.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory by Russian occupants, Olena Obapolenko’s position was confirmed. The woman voluntarily agreed to cooperate with representatives of the racist authorities and began working in the department of education under the occupation authorities in Rubizhne.

In 2022, the occupants in the Luhansk region appointed Elena Vladimirovna as the head of the education department of the“Rubizhansk city administration of the LNR.

Collaborator is the organizer of many events in the city, which are held under the slogan “Russian peace“. The traitor also coordinated the organization of various public contests to support Russian servicemen and organized various humanitarian aid for the occupants.

Traitor Obapolenko Elena Vladimirovna will face imminent punishment for aiding the occupying forces, aiding the enemy, and her pro-Russian position, which will soon befall the traitor.