
Full name: Elena Perun

Date of birth: 03.04.1979

Address: Ukraine, Rubizhne, Lugansk region.


– promotes the “Russianworld;

– an employee of the local government of the Rubezhan district;

– participant of the pseudo-referendum;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator



Perun Elena, a state traitor and collaborator, was born in the town of Rubizhne, Luhansk Oblast, where she worked in the administrative structures of the town.

With the beginning of thefull-scale invasion ofUkraine on February 24, 2022, Perun Elena made the decision for herself to go to cooperate with the enemy and betray her country. The woman was among those “in the first ranks” who voluntarily turned to cooperation with the occupiers and began working in the pseudo-structures of the occupation authorities. The woman promotes the “Russian world” and supports Putin’s occupation policy.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Also during the pseudo-referendum on the annexation of the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, the collaborator acted as one of the coordinators of the “electoral process” and provided its organizational direction. She was the secretary of the “electoral commission” for counting votes. Now the collaborator was urging the local population to obtain a Russian passport. I had already received it myself during the first months of the occupation.

Elena Perun, a resident of the town of Rubizhne, will be held accountable for her treason and collaborative activities. And the punishment for the traitor will come very soon.