
Full name: Rokush Elena Igorevna

Date of birth: 15.08.1992

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region


– teacher of foreign language in Gymnasium No.1 in Melitopol;

– teacher by “Russian educational standards;

– A collaborator of the Russian occupiers, a collaborator



Rokush Olena Igorevna – a teacher who betrayed Ukraine and became an accomplice of the Rashists, was born on September 15, 1992 in Mykolayiv region. She has a pedagogical education. She worked as a teacher of English in Sadoviy Lyceum, Gorokhovsky Village Council, Bashtansky district, Mykolaiv region.

Also Elena Igorevna has some connections “with crime”, namely from February 2018 to February 2020 worked as head of the post office Baratovka MD of JSC “Ukrposhta” and has a criminal introduction under part 2 of Art. 191, part 1 of Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for taking possession of his money in the amount of 180,185.94 UAH. from the cash register. Wanted for evading execution of a court sentence.

Apparently during her “activity” the woman changed her Ukrainian position to pro-Russian and expressed separatist views, especially in the run-up to the war.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Rokush Elena turned out to be a despicable traitor and accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities. After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops began on February 24, 2022, she found herself in Kherson region and began spreading the narratives of “Russian peace” there.

The state trafficker cooperated with the occupation authorities and began teaching at the Krasno lyceum according to the Russian curriculum and standards under the direction of the collaborator Boyko O. V., who holds the position of director from the occupation authorities. V., who holds the position of director from the occupation authorities.

Rokush immediately adjusted to the policy of the occupiers and started the educational process according to the so-called “Russian standards of education”. A female collaborator forced her students to draw pictures with Z symbols to support the Russian Armed Forces soldiers. She also pressurizes parents, threatening that their children who do not attend school will be sent to boarding schools in Russia. Promotes “Russian peace” and advocates occupation policies. Engaged in organizing events in favor of the aggressor country with the involvement of minors, including the participation of children in the extremist movement “Unarmy” .

Now the corrupted skin Elena Rokush continues to cooperate with the occupiers working under the direction of the occupation body – the education department of the civil-military administration of Kherson region.

For teaching Ukrainian children the “Russian world” and collaborationist activities, the teacher “in law” will certainly answer to the tribunal, because she is an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian occupants against Ukraine and its citizens, for which she will certainly have to pay.