Full name: Shtankevich Elena Sergeevna

Date of birth: 14.12.1985

Passport: BE 820391

INN: 3139402125

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk, Grebelnaya Street, 3B.

Phone: +380985666220


an employee of the Mariupol detention center;

-An employee of the “dnr” law enforcement structures;

-Traitor, state traitor, collaborator.

Shtankevich Elena Sergeevna was born on December 14, 1985 in the city of Donetsk. She graduated from the Donetsk Law Institute. The traitor also studied at the International Academy of Personnel Management in Donetsk.

Elena Sergeevna was engaged in legal activities. Worked as an assistant judge at the Mariupol Court of Appeals. Later she worked in the internal affairs bodies in the city of Donetsk. She was the head of the special department for control over the execution of court decisions in the Mariupol investigation detention center.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the illegal invasion of Ukrainian territory by Russian occupation troops in 2014, Olena Shtankiewicz began to actively display her “pro-Russian position. The occupier’s accomplice was involved in anti-Ukrainian propaganda among her subordinates. The collaborator even threatened her employees with a pro-Ukrainian position with dismissal.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine by Russian occupants on February 24, 2022, the state prisoner Shtankevich Elena Sergeevna continued her labor activity in the occupation administration of Donetsk and now is in the position of the head of the special unit of Mariupol temporary detention facility “dnr“. Shtankiewicz Elena contributes to the activities of illegal armed groups and “DnR” fighters.

Elena Sergeevna Shtankevich, an accomplice of the Russian militants and traitor, will be justly punished for complicity with the enemy and treason. A place under the tribunal is already waiting for the collaborator.