Full name: Shtepa Elena Sergeevna

Date of birth: May 24, 1961

Passport: NOT 222512

INN: 2242423785

Address: Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Privolnaya str.

Phone: +380983902917


– the head of the self-organization committee in the village of Mirnoye;

– an employee of the occupation administration;

– State traitor, collaborator

Elena Sergeevna Shtepa was born on May 24, 1961 in the city of Yasinovataya, Donetsk region. Education: medium technical. Graduated from Novosmoskovsk Agricultural College, specialization – zootechnician.

From 2000 to 2011 she worked at Ilyich Iron and Steel Works. In 2006 she held the position of Secretary of the “Mirny” Self-organization Committee, and since 2021 she has been the Head of the Self-organization Committee of the population. Elena Shtepa was an active participant in grant projects for the development of the village of Mirnoye.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, Shtepa Elena changed her pro-Ukrainian position to pro-Russian and began working for the enemy.

The traitor agreed to cooperate with the occupation authorities and became a member of theMariupol Restoration Foundation, an NGO established by the occupiers in Mariupol. Now the collaborator is setting up social activities in the temporarily occupied territories under the guidance of “local authorities.

At present, the collaborator Elena Shtepa is a business manager of the Ilyichevsk district under the administration of the occupants. In addition, the woman is actively seeking out and recruiting former colleagues to cooperate with the occupiers.

The accomplice of the “Russian world” will have to answer to the law for supporting the occupation troops and spreading pro-Russian sentiments. Shtepa Elena Sergeevna will receive a fair punishment for her collaboration with the enemy.