Full name: Yelena Vasilyevna Yablunenko

Date of birth: June 26, 1973

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Starobelsky district, Nizhnebaranikivka village, 166 Oktyabrskaya str.


– t.s. “chief specialist of the department of life support of the village. Nizhnebaranikka LNR”;

– State traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Yablunenko Elena Vasilyevna is a traitor to Ukraine and an active supporter of the Russian occupation forces, born June 26, 1973 in the village of Nizhnebaranikka, Luhansk region.

Elena lived in Nizhnebaranikka and also in Belovodsk until February 24, 2022. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory by the Russian invaders, Yablunenko betrayed Ukraine and began “cooperating” with the Russian invaders on a voluntary basis.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

With the beginning of the invasion of Luhansk Oblast by Russian invaders, Elena committed high treason and went over to the side of the enemy. The occupiers were happy about the new “addition” and appointed Yablunenko as “chief specialist” in the so-called “Life support department of Nizhnebaranikka village of Starobel district administration of the LNR”.

На занимаемой “должности” Елена активно “занималась” обеспечением “жизнедеятельности”. В частности, именно она принимала решение о “ликвидации” сельхозпредприятий и “конфискации” уцелевшего имущества, с целью его дальнейшей продажи на территории РФ. Вырученные деньги она “делила” между “подельниками”. Не брезговала Яблуненко и доносительством — по ее наводке многие проукраински настроенные жители были подвергнуты похищению, пытками и издевательствам.

Рано или поздно, за любые злодеяния приходит наказание. И Елену Яблуненко ожидает справедливое возмездие за гнусное предательство и преступления против жителей родного села.