
Full name: Eleonora Yurievna Skoraya

Date of birth: 29.10.1975

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Severodonetsk district, Lysychansk, Sedova street, 3., sq.2.

Passport of a citizen of rf: 6023,#341065

INN: 940500617017


– organizer of a pseudo-referendum on the territory of Luhansk Region;

– city market director;

– candidate for thePeople’s Council of LnRfrom the political party “Fair Russia-Patriots for Truth”;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation regime



Skoraya Eleonora Yurievna is a state traitor, who chose the side of the accomplice of “Putin’s power“, was born in Luhansk region, Lysychansk.

For some time Eleonora Yurievna worked as an inspector in the tax inspection. Even with the emergence of the so-called “lnr and dnr” the woman showed her commitment to the “Russian world” and even then supported the policy of the rashists and went over to the side of the enemy.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

In this way, the collaborator cooperates with the occupation authorities, took the position of the market director, forces physical persons-entrepreneurs and legal entities to re-register enterprises according to the instructions of her pseudo-heads and demand funds from FLPs, but already on behalf of the rf services.

Also, the collaborator ER participates in joint propaganda activities with the Russians and their henchmen. Participated in the organization and holding of an illegitimate referendum, voted “for” the annexation of Luhansk region to the russian Federation.

In addition, the rashist accomplice nominated her candidacy for the “people’s council of lnr” for the elections planned by the rashists in September 2023 from the “srzp” party.

For aiding and cooperating with the Russian occupation power, the traitor of Ukraine Skoraya Eleonora will answer to the tribunal. The collaborator of the occupiers and terrorists, as well as all other collaborators, will receive a just punishment.