Full name: Yevgeny Konstantinovich Pronoza

Date of birth: January 5, 1982

Address: Ukraine, Sumy, Deputatskaya street, 11.

INN: 2995508951

Passport: MB386210

+380989102096, +380952017468


-A formeremployee of theBerkutspecial unit of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine ;

-military criminal;

-collaborator, collaborator of “Putin’s regime”.

The war criminal Yevgeny Konstantinovich Pronoza was born on January 5, 1982 in the city of Sumy. He graduated from the National Academy of the Security Service in Ukraine. Served in the Office of the State Guard Service at the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, 152a Krasnozvezdniy Ave.

The traitor was also an employee of other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely the special unit “Berkut”. He served in the Assault Company of the Special Purpose Regiment.

In 2014, with the start of the massive months-long protest in the center of Kiev, which took the name of Euromaidan, state traitor Yevhen Pronoza began to carry out the criminal orders of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The perpetrator was among those special forces who fired at peaceful protesters and supported the “pro-Russian course” of Ukraine.

After performing the illegal and immoral tasks of “Putin’s puppet” President Yanukovich, the scum Pronoza fled to the Russian Federation and subsequently obtained citizenship of the Russian Federation in the Tver region.

The criminal and collaborator Pronoza E.K. is wanted for terrorist activities and high treason. And soon he will answer for his atrocities against civilians.