Full name: Iskra Evgeniya Leonidovna

Date of birth: 06.07.1987

Passport: VK008793

INN: 3202501081

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Yenakievo, Grabar Street, 4


– participant of the pseudo-referendum;

– The head of the local community in the village of Mangush;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator


Yevgeniya Leonidovna Iskra, an accomplice of the “Russian world,” was born on July 6, 1987, in the city of Yenakievo, Donetsk Oblast.

Yevgeniya Leonidovna worked as a librarian at School № 5 in Yenakiievo. Yenakievo. In 2014, Yevgeniya supported the creation of independent “L/DnR republics” and took an active part in the pseudo-referendum as secretary of the “election commission.

Collaborationist activities:

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, the traitor began actively assisting the occupation troops and the interim leadership in the urban village of Mangush.

The sneaky traitor contributes to the activities of Russian servicemen, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the Russian Armed Forces and the establishment of a regime controlled by the aggressor country in Ukraine. In particular, Iskra Eugenia followed the orders of representatives of the Rashist authorities and urged residents of the settlement of Mangush not to resist the occupation authorities.

Now the collaborator Yevgenia Iskra performs the duties of the head of the local community in the village of Mangush under the occupation authorities.

Iskra Yevgeniya Leonidovna, a sell-out skunk, is a treasonous and despicable collaborator. She will definitely have to answer to her people for aiding and abetting the Russian occupiers. It’s only a matter of time.