
Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Volnovakha district, village Petrovskoye

TIN: 2232714584

Passport: CA 909053

Driver’s license: VHR 458494

Address of registration, residence: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Rozovsky district, Vishnevatoye village, Vatutina str. 21

Contacts: +380664704629

Email: [email protected]


– a former employee of the preschool;

– a former employee of the Education, Youth and Sports Sector of the Rozovskyi District State Administration of Zaporizhzhya Oblast;

– “Russian World” accomplice, collaborator

– a participant in the pseudo-referendum;

– “Head of the Election Commission No. 10” Rozovka settlement



The abettor of Rashist illegal actions and participant of fake voting process in temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhya region – Nesterenko Yevgeniya Vladimirovna was born in Vishnevatoye village of Zaporizhzhya region. The woman is an employee of the educational sector. She has a pedagogical education. She worked as a teacher in the preschool institution “Raduga” of Rozovsky village council, then worked at the district administration of the Sector for Education, Youth and Sports of Rozovsky district state administration of Zaporizhzhya region.

Also Nesterenko from 20120 was a member of territorial and district commissions during the electoral process. She was a permanent member of the District Election Commission for the election of People’s Deputies of Ukraine of the single-mandate constituency #78 in the city of Berdyansk.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

For so many years Eugenia Vladimirovna gave to pedagogical activity, instilling love and patriotism for Ukraine, but in the end the woman betrayed her country and in one moment crossed out all the activities that for many years she did for the Motherland and for the future generation.

Already with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Russian invaders in February 2022, the adherent of the “Russian world” showed its anti-Ukrainian position and openly supported the arrival of the “liberators”.

After the invaders came to the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, the traitor began to praise the “Russian world” and advocated the annexation of the region to Russia. Actively disseminated narratives of Russian propaganda. Was directly involved in the pseudo-referendum processes. She was one of the coordinators at the fake polling station in Berdyansk.

Gosizmennitsa supported the policy of the occupation authorities on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, immediately adjusted to the new “laws” of the pseudo officials. She agreed to switch to Russian standards of education and also received a new position from the Russian occupants – school director.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

In July 2023, a teacher-abettor of the Rashists agreed to “serve the occupiers” and decided to become an organizer of the “day of unified voting” on September 10. She was appointed by the occupation authorities t.nz “head of the election commission No. 10” of Rozovka settlement. As part of the non-legitimate event, the collaborator conducted propaganda campaigns to lure the local population to participate in the “elections,” happily reporting to local gauleiters about “positive voting results.”

Made a choice in favor of the aggressor country, Nesterenko Evgeniya Vladimirovna turned out to be a state traitor. For high treason and encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, the woman will answer to the law and will be punished according to the highest measures of justice.