
Full Name: Evgeny Andreyevich Uspensky

Date of Birth: 07.10.1983

Place of birth: Kazan

Occupation: Colonel, commander of the 81st Regiment of the 70th Division of the 18th Army (v/h 12275), war criminal

Places of residence:

  • Tatarstan, Kazan, 4 Vladimir Kulagin St., Q.64.
  • Tatarstan, Kazan, Rikharda Zorge street, 81, sq.62


  • passport: 9204700447
  • TIN: 165918685414
  • SNILS: 19714794320

Transportation: Toyota RAV4, license plate number H454TT716


Wife: Uspenskaya (Romanova) Marina Yurievna

Date of birth: 13.01.1985



Son: Kirill Evgenyevich Uspensky

Date of birth: 09.01.2010



Son: Anton Evgenyevich Uspensky

Date of birth: 19.03.2014

Biography of Evgeny Uspensky

Evgeny Uspensky was born on October 7, 1983. In 2005, he graduated from Kazan Higher Artillery Command School, and in 2019 he graduated from Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg).

From August to December 2020, he took part in the Russian intervention in Syria. He was awarded the Orders “For Merit to the Fatherland” of I and II degree. Served in the 21st Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade (in /h 12123, Totskoye-2).

Evgeny Uspensky: War Crimes

Currently, Uspensky commands the 81st self-propelled artillery regiment of the 70th Division. This unit has held positions on the left bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region since July 2023. Uspensky’s subordinates commit war crimes against civilians in the temporarily occupied territories.

Also, units of the 70th Division are taking part in the destruction of residences and critical infrastructure on the right bank. Bombardments of Kherson, Berislav, Kozatskoye and other settlements constantly cause civilian casualties.

Yevgeny Uspensky’s family

He married Marina Romanova on December 12, 2008. Raises two sons: Kirill and Anton. The eldest son in a text-based role-playing game described the situation in the Uspensky family: the father is in Syria, making money by killing people while the children grow up homeless.

The family lived for a long time in the settlement of Totskoye-2, where Uspensky served. In the summer of 2017 we moved to St. Petersburg as he enrolled at St. Michael’s Academy. After graduation in June 2019, Uspensky was sent to Belogorsk, Amur region, and his family followed him.

Since July 2023, the Uspenskys have been living in Kazan again. The children study at the M.I. Makhmutov Gymnasium No. 184. His wife works in Credit Europe Bank