Full name: Buzkin Gennady Vladimirovich

Date of birth: 30.05.1985

Passport: No. 002238849

INN: 2608216599

Address: Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Krasnoznamennaya str. 8A

Phone: +380505989042


-The director of an art school in the city of Mariupol;

– a representative of the cultural sector under the occupation authorities;

– collaborator of the occupants, collaborator


Buzkin Gennady Vladimirovich was born on May 30, 1985 in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. He has a higher education. The traitor works in the field of culture.

Buzkin Gennady Vladimirovich is remembered for his approach to the occupiers, who after the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, in particular in the Donetsk region, appointed the collaborator as head of the cultural sector of the Cultural Center “Youth” under the occupation authorities.

Traitor Buzkin is the organizer of many cultural events under the leadership of the occupation authorities, aimed at supporting the “Russian world” and Russian culture in Mariupol.

The collaborator also participates in “meetings and meetings” with representatives oftheDPR Ministry of Culture,” where he puts forward ideas of close cooperation between scientific and cultural institutions between the “republic” and the Russian Federation.

For separatism, subversion of national ideas, and treason, Buzkin will be justly punished. And he will surely answer for all the harm done to his country.