
Full Name:
Gennady Viktorovich Tarakanov

Date of Birth:

Place of birth:
Ukraine, Poltava region, Pyryatyn city

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk

Passport of a citizen of rf:


– former assistant-consultant to the People’s Deputy of Ukraine;

-soldier in the Soviet army;

– participant in rallies and demonstrations of the “Russian Spring“;

– general director of a transportation company in “lnr”;

– traitor, collaborator



State traitor of Ukraine, accomplice of Putin’s regime and pseudo-officer in the “Luhansk People’s Republic” – Gennady Viktorovich Tarakanov was born on June 22, 1973 in Poltava region, Pyryatyn. He has 3 higher education degrees:

1998 – East Ukrainian State University (Lugansk), specialty “computerized integrated systems and robotics”, specialist.

2002 – Center for retraining of managerial personnel for the sphere of entrepreneurship of V. Dahl East Ukrainian National University (Lugansk), “management of organizations”, specialist.

2006 – Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, “Public Administration”, Master’s degree.

Labor Activities:

Tarakanov started his career as a laborer, working as an apprentice carpenter at theKrasny Luchfactory. From 1992-1994, he did his enlisted service in the Soviet Army in an air defense unit. He then decided to pursue a career in city government. He was the head of the foster care service of the apparatus of the Lugansk City Council and its executive bodies. And from 2011-2012 he was an assistant-consultant to the People’s Deputy of Ukraine. He was also head of the Luhansk regional organization of theUnion of Left Forcespolitical party.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

When the Russian occupiers invaded Ukraine in 2014, Gennadiy Viktorovich supported the Russian aggressors and immediately moved to develop “new territories”. In 2014, he published the newspaper “Luhansk Format” and took an active part in the separatist events of the so-called “Russian Spring“.

The Rashists then offered Tarakanov career advancement and success in his positions. Thus, at first, the Rashist accomplice worked as a trade manager for an individual entrepreneur in Rostov-on-Don, then he was appointed advisor to the chairman of the board of the Luhansk Regional Consumer Union “Lnr”. Since 09.2018, Lugansk pseudo-government official has been the CEO of the transportation company “Voyage” and owns a chain of supermarkets “Matryoshka”.

Recently, Tarakanov’s name appeared on the lists of the regional branch of theJust Russia – Patriots for Truthparty, which nominated candidates for the September pseudo-elections to the LnR People’s Council.

But there’s no escaping fate. For betrayal of the Motherland and violation of the legislation of Ukraine, the collaborator Tarakanov Gennady Viktorovich will have to answer to the court. After all, punishment is inevitable for such illegal actions against Ukraine and its people.