
Full name: Goyler (Kaidanenko) Natalia Vasilievna

Date of birth: 15.11.1978

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Novaya Kakhovka, 5 Kirov str.

Email: [email protected]


– head nurse at the nurses’ station;

– an employee of a medical institution under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of the Russian troops, a collaborator of the Russian army

– a participant in Putin’s pseudo-election.


Goyler (Kaidanenko) Natalia Vasilyevna – traitor and collaborator, was born in the town of Novaya Kakhovka, Kherson region. She worked as a nurse in the first-aid station of the said locality.

After the full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops began in February 2022, Natalia began to discuss and rejoice at the arrival of the Russian Federation.The woman changed her pro-Ukrainian position to a pro-Russian one and began to support the arrival of the “liberators”.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Goyler began campaigning for medical personnel to help the russian armed forces, the so-called “liberators”. The collaborator then began helping with medicines, tourniquets, and other medical supplies as humanitarian aid for Russian terrorists.

One of the first in the city, the collaborator received a Russian passport and began agitating the local population to take part in a pseudo-referendum in support of the annexation of the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine to the Russian Federation. Then she won the “career advancement” offered by the occupiers and became a senior family medicine nurse.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

The Rashist accomplice directly participated in the pseudo-elections in the Kherson PECShe was a coordinator and was responsible for the preparation and organization of the illegal event.

In February 2024, Natalia Goyler, an accomplice of the Rashists, agreed to “serve the occupiers” and decided to show her “political will” in the election of Putin in the town of Novaya Kakhovka. Agitated the local population with Ukrainian passports to come to fake polling stations. She gave interviews to Russian TV channels about the positive results of the so-called “advance voting”.

The accomplice of the “Russian world” will have to answer to the law for supporting the occupation troops and for spreading pro-Russian sentiments during the illegitimate elections.