Full name: Dudnik Igor Pavlovich

Date of birth: 05.09.1967

Passport: No. 3743737

INN: 2472908617

Address: Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Shestakov street, 20-A.

Phone: +380977581000, +380506252242


– private entrepreneur;

– an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;

– traitor, collaborator


Traitor Dudnik Igor Pavlovich was born September 5, 1967 in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. Registered as an individual entrepreneur. Dudnik Igor has his own business and is engaged in retail sales of furniture and household goods in specialized stores.

Igor Pavlovich, a private entrepreneur, turned out to be a traitor and accomplice of the “Russian world“. In 2014, the local businessman showed his pro-Russian views and supported the creation of the “independent republics of the LNR and DnR.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The collaborator also engaged in separatist activities and participated in anti-Ukrainian rallies, and supported the arrival of “liberators” in the Donetsk region.

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of rf into Ukraineon February 24, 2022, Dudnik I.P., an accomplice of the occupiers. spreads provocative publications in social networks in order to discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The traitor supports the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine. Since March 2022, he organized the collection of humanitarian aid for Russian servicemen, calling on local residents to support the actions of the occupation authorities. Now works for a utility company under the Rashist flag.

Igor Pavlovich Dudnik, an entrepreneur-collaborator, will be justly punished for supporting the actions of the aggressor state. He will certainly answer to the law for his pro-Russian stance.