Full name: Dzyuba Igor Anatolyevich

Address: Ukraine, Markovka village of Lugansk region


– “head of the Markov district of the LNR;

– traitor to the motherland, collaborator



Dzyuba Igor Anatolyevich, an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, was born in the urban village of Markovka in the Luhansk region.

Igor Anatolievich has had a political career.He was a member of the Communist Party, and also ran for local government from the political party “Servant of the People.

Until February 24, 2022, Igor Dzyuba was the chairman of the Markov territorial community, but with the beginning of the war Igor Anatolievich abruptly changed his political views and became an accomplice of the Russian troops.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Dzyuba began actively assisting the occupation troops and the interim leadership in Markovka. The collaborator contributed to the activities of the russian military, and then agreed to the occupants’ offers to work in the “local administration.

The traitor is now closely cooperating with the occupation authorities, acting as “head of the Markov district of the LNR.

The state traitor stubbornly carries out “tasks” from the occupation authorities. Dzyuba conducts personal receptions for citizens on “issues of rebuilding homes affected by combat operations by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The collaborator also tries to assure the residents of the city of decent social security, but he himself has repeatedly “sent” people who appealed to him with vitally important questions.

For aiding and abetting the occupiers, Igor Anatolyevich Dzyuba will face imminent punishment. And it will come very soon. After all, you will have to answer to the law for all your crimes.