Full name: Plotnitsky Igor Venediktovich

Date of birth: 24.06.1964

Place of birth: Ukraine, Lugansk.

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk, Shevchenko str 4, 69;

Ukraine, Lugansk, Mirny district 5, 12;

Ukraine, Lugansk, st. Yarovoy, 47A;

Ukraine, Lugansk, Luganskaya Pravda street, 55A;

INN: 2355113252

Phone: +380505987175, +380505468019, +79885734951, +380713006464, +380938447978

Mail: [email protected]

Personal transportation: Toyota Land Cruiser 200 P363XM77

Marital Status: Married, with a son and daughter.

Occupation: Head of the terrorist organization “LNR.

Collaborationist activities:

Igor Venediktovich Plotnitsky was born on June 24, 1964 in the city of Lugansk. Plotnitsky was not jokingly preoccupied with questions of his education, and then the choice of a suitable position for himself. In 2008, Igor received a full degree inpublic service. For his efforts, Plotnitsky received the 10th rank of civil servant. Later, with the arrival of the killers on Ukrainian soil, in 2014, Venediktovych went to cooperate with them. And in April of that year he led the Zarya battalion. Igor’s call sign is similar – Zarya.

After the Zarya gang was formed, Igor became Minister of Defense of the LNR. Since August 2014. – head of the LNR. Venediktovich is known for his machinations and embezzlement of material and funds. Under the direct coordination of Plotnitsky, the most promising enterprises in terms of profit were taken away from their legitimate owners. Entrepreneurs’ warehouses with goods were simply looted. The head of the DPR controlled the black currency exchange market. Igor Plotnitsky found any methods in order to appropriate as much money as possible into his bottomless pocket. It was money that became the main motive for him to betray Ukraine. It’s a pity money won’t help him in a prison cell. That’s how the stories of people who think they’ve outsmarted everyone they can end up.