Full name: Rajdenko Ilya Nikolaevich

Date of birth: 02.08.1982

Rank: Senior sailor

Address: Crimea, Saki district, Novofedorovka village, Sevastopolskaya street, 14, sq.4

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Traitor Ilya Raidenko was born on August 2, 1982.

He performed military service in the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of Crimea, he went to military service for the occupants. Before betrayal: Military unit A4486 (fuel and lubricants base, Sevastopol). Firefighter of the firefighting platoon. Rank – senior sailor of the contract service.

Such activities can be viewed as an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Ukraine, siding with the enemy under martial law and during armed conflict, cooperation with pro-Russian terrorist organizations, and similar actions.

After reviewing all of these facts, we can conclude that we have in front of us another collaborator, an accomplice of Russian war criminals and occupants, involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people and an accomplice in the crimes of the Russian authorities against the state of Ukraine.