
Full name: Irina Mikhailovna Bonevolenskaya

Date of birth: 23.08.1985

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Melitopol, Frolova str. 23

TIN (Ukraine): 3128111547

TIN rf: 900100231704


– employee of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region;

– “head of the archives section at the “federal penitentiary service.”

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a state trafficker



Bonevolenskaya Irina Mikhailovna – the state traitor and traitor was born on August 23, 1985 in the city of Melitopol. A man of creativity. For a long time, Ira worked as a manicurist and also provided makeup and makeup services.

When the Russian invaders began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine Irochka decided that it was “time for change” and did not even hide her pro-Russian views, which was confirmed after February 24, 2022.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russian invaders into theterritory of Zaporizhzhya region, the traitor Bonevolenskaya decided to build a career in the ranks of the occupation authorities. The girl was among those who “in the first ranks” voluntarily switched to cooperation with the occupants and began working in the administrative bodies of the occupation authorities.

The collaborator somehow found a place at the “Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” in Melitopol and was appointed to the position of “head of the archive sector of the federal service for the execution of punishments”. An illegal body in Ukraine, subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Justice, which controls and supervises prisoners in places of detention and escorts them, including Ukrainian military personnel.

Upon assuming her new position, the traitor immediately began to draw up documents according to the punitive standards of the rf. Irina Mikhailovna also provided pseudo-legal (legal) documentary support to the occupation authorities.

For betraying the state and collaborating with it, the traitor will answer according to all her merits. And the punishment for the traitor will come very soon. A place on the tribunal is already waiting for Bonewolowska.