
Full name: Tatyana Nikolayevna Glybovskaya

Address: Ukraine,Donetsk


– a former city education department employee;

– head of education under the occupiers;

– A collaborator of the Russian occupiers, a collaborator


Hlybovskaya Tatyana Mykolaivna – – a traitor to Ukraine, who betrayed her country, her native language and culture was born on November 13 in the city of Donetsk. He has a pedagogical education Prior to the full-scale Russian invasion, she worked in the local education department.

During her teaching career, Tetyana Hlybovska changed her Ukrainian position to a pro-Russian one and expressed
separatist views

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the Rashist invasion, the collaborator immediately adjusted to the policy of the occupants and began the educational process according to the so-called “Russian standards of education”. She agreed to the offer of the occupation authorities and voluntarily took the position of the head of “the education department of Proletarsky district of Donetsk region.”

After her appointment, the woman developed the curricula of the educational institution under her control according to the norms and requirements of the legislation of the aggressor state, namely in accordance with the requirements of the federal Rashist law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Pupils were organized to be taught school subjects using Russian textbooks and in the language of the occupant. In addition, she urged Donetsk teachers to work according to the standards of the enemy and agitated for cooperation with the occupation authorities.

Actively supports the occupation authorities, participates in all activities. She has a pro-Russian position and is sure that Donetschina is Russia. Participated in conducting an illegitimate referendum. Voted in favor.She organized all-Russian contests for pupils, went to advanced training courses in Russia.

Tetyana Mykolaivna Glybovskaya is an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian occupiers against Ukraine and its citizens. Especially painful is the fact that the collaborator brainwashed children with Russian propaganda, for which she will certainly have to answer.